Car Service - Minor
Servicing your car is important for preventative maintenance. Changing the oil and filter is only the beginning of a full car service. We inspect all major components of your vehicle to provide you with a comprehensive condition report as part of every car service we carry out. We take vehicle safety seriously and keep up to date with the latest automotive news to keep our customers aware of vehicle recalls and useful advice.
Depending on your
Minor Service includes:
- Use Wynn's Engine Flush, drain oil and change oil filter,
refil with Valvoline OEM spec motor oil (read more) - Check all drive belts, under bonnet fluids and top up where
nessasary - Fill washer bottle with additive and adjust jets
- Replace wiper blades
- Use Wynn's Injector Cleaner in fuel tank
- Full safety check and report including brakes, suspension, tyres, fuel system etc.
- Check and apply correct tyre pressure, shine tyres
- Coolant and Brake fluid condition tests
- Battery load test including anti-corrosion spray
- Road Test
Some modern vehicle
We can also service your car and maintain your new vehicle warranty, find out more