Major Service
Our Major Car Service includes an engine
Major Service includes:
- Use Wynn's Engine Flush, drain oil and change oil filter,
refil with Valvoline OEM spec motor oil (read more) - Check all drive belts, under bonnet fluids and top up where
nessasary - Fill washer bottle with additive and adjust jets
- Replace wiper blades
- Use Wynn's Injector Cleaner in fuel tank
- Full safety check and report including brakes, suspension, tyres, fuel system etc.
- Check and apply correct tyre pressure, shine tyres
- Coolant and Brake fluid condition tests
- Battery load test including anti-corrosion spray
- Engine Tune - either electronic computer
tune, or 4 gas analyser scope tune - Replace fuel filter, where required (read more)
- Replace air filter (read more)
- Replace spark plugs
- Road Test
Some modern vehicle
Note: Spark plugs and fuel filters on some vehicle are long life rated items,
We can also service your car and maintain your new vehicle